CH Soultime Keep the Faith
Imperatrix Inperator
Imperatrix Inperious
Redlouis Semtex avec Bellamiabam
DOG CC: Imperatrix Inperator
DOG RCC: Harleydeaux Let Me Atom
BITCH CC: CH Soultime Keep the Faith
Piechottka Dutch Courage
BEST DOG PUPPY: Bobiso Matteo
BEST BITCH PUPPY: Imperatrix Inperious
Class 1: Minor Puppy Dog (1)
1. Bobiso Matteo - Mr R Iseton
Class 2: Puppy Dog (6) (2 absent)
1. Imperatrix Imperioum - Mr D Corbett
2. Wendisal You Don’t Own Me - Miss L Prendergast
3. Bourgeoisie Xpecto Patrona - Miss L Mott
4. Irwin De La Bulle Rouge (raf) - Mr A Griffith
Class 3: Junior Dog (5)
1. Piechottka Obi Wan Kenobi - Ms L Hodgkin
2. Bellamiabam’s Playboy - Mrs L Bamforth
3. Piechottka Anakin - Miss C Brearley
4. Straithmore’s Born Ready - Mr J Marley
5. Irwin De La Bulle Rouge (raf) - Mr A Griffith
Class 4: Yearling Dog (4) (1 absent)
1. Zeleski Ziggy Zag - Mr P and Mrs J Tibbs
2. Harleydeaux Double Deuce - Mr K Tonge
3. Bellamiabam Romeo - Mr S and Mrs S Iqbal
Class 5: Post Graduate Dog (10) (5 absent)
1. Imperatrix Inperator - Mr D Corbett
2. Harleydeaux Let Me Atom - Mr K Tonge
3. Aibrean Rocketman - Mr S and Mrs J Hargreaves
4. Bellamiabam’s Turbo Charged for Vanasuze - Mrs S Van-Heerden
5. Piechottka Mischief Maker - Mr M and Mrs T Shopland
Class 6: Limit Dog (3)
1. Lionsriver’s Thunder Storm with Maplemare - Miss H Martin
2. Zeleski The Joker - Ms K Cox
3. Justlazare Colossus (AI) - Mr G Johnson
Class 7: Open Dog (5) (1 absent)
1. CH Harleydeaux Vantage - Mr K Tonge
2. Cerisier All My Loving - Mrs T & Mr B Harrison
3. Temptress Ice Warrior at Bellamiabam - Mrs L Bamforth
4. Maruba Boom Shakalaka - Mr M Baker
Class 8: Veteran Dog (3) (1 absent)
1. Redlouis Semtex avec Bellamiabam - Mrs L Bamforth
2. Soultime Emberez Happy - Mr A & Mrs N Nattriss
Class 9: Minor Puppy Bitch (5) (2 absent)
1. Bobiso Clementine - Mr R Iseton
2. She’s Chit Hot - Ms L Davison
3. Red Legacy Beautiful Girl (raf) - Mr A Griffith
Class 10: Puppy Bitch (5) (3 absent)
1. Imperatrix Inperious - Mr D Corbett
2. Wendisal Hungry Eyes - Miss L Prendergast
Class 11: Junior Bitch (6) (1 absent)
1. Almedarouge Cracker at Soultime - Mr A and Mrs N Nattriss
2. I’m Rhonda avec Tissie - Mrs S Judd
3. Aibrean Drops of Jupiter at Granborde - Mr M Leonard
4. Aibrean Cosmic Chaos - A Bromley, Mrs L Moran & Mr T Ellis
5. Justlazare Nemesis - Mr G Johnson
Class 12: Yearling Bitch (4)
1. Vanasuze Touch of Class - Mrs S Van Heerden
2. Brulerdogues Lucretia - Ms D Exley
3. Harleydeaux Pixie Lott - Mr K Tonge
4. Zeleski Queen Of The Pride - Mr S and Mrs J Hargreaves
Class 13: Post Graduate Bitch 8 (1 absent)
1. Piechottka Dutch Courage - Mrs T and Mr M Shopland
2. Harleydeaux Dirty Gertie - Mr K Tonge
3. Bobiso Margot Fonteyn - Mr R Iseton
4. Imperatrix Imperious - Mr D Corbett
5. Aibrean Almeria - Mrs L Moran
Class 14: Limit Bitch (5) (2 absent)
1. Loggerheads Attitude - Mr M Rainger
2. Bellamiabam La Vie Est Belle JW - Mrs L Bamforth
3. Loggerheads Wishin On A Star - Mr C Brunger
4. Loggerheads Summer - Miss S Spencer
Class 15: Open Bitch (5) (1 absent)
1. CH Soultime Keep the Faith - Mr A & Mrs N Nattriss
2. Fairhero Go West JW Jun Ir CH CJW’19 - Mr T & Mrs A Grice and Mrs E Clarkson
3. CH Harleydeaux Carven - Mr K Tonge
4. Cerisier Breaking Dawn - Mrs T and Mr B Harrison
Class 16: Veteran Bitch (0)
Minor Puppy Dog 1 ent
1st & Best Puppy Dog - Mr R Iseton’s “Bobiso Matteo” at 7 months this strong looking young dog has a lot going for him, Strong head with good width and correct stop, well set ears and clear eyes, correct muzzle shape with nice width allowing good dentition. Head held on well shaped neck again of correct proportion for head and body. Deep and wide chest, strong straight forelegs with good feet. Strong wide shoulders to good top line and correct shape to ribs, good croup and tail set, nice strong hind quarters that aided this lovely youngster to drive around the ring, I look forward to seeing how he progresses.
Puppy Dog
6 ents 2 abs
1st - Mr D Corbett’s “Imperatrix Imperium” 10 month old good size dog in very good coat. Lovely masculine head in correct proportions, very good ear carriage and excellent stop, correct shaped muzzle. Nice reach of neck, good strong shoulders and nice deep and wide chest . Good bone throughout and very good top line, strong hind quarters and good croup to well set tail carried correctly, moved well.
2nd – Miss L Predergast “Wendisal You Don’t Own Me” 9 months of age and still very much a puppy, however his head is coming on very well lovely shape with good ear set and nice eyes, good stop to correct shaped muzzle fair dentition, good reach of neck to nice shoulders, good strong forelegs, nice well shaped ribs and good top line, nice tail set and fair hind quarters moved ok.
3rd – Miss L Mott’s “Bourgeoisie Xpecto Patrona”.
Junior Dog
5 ents 1 seen dog
1st – Miss L Hodgkin’s “Piechottka Obi Wan Kenobi” at 15 months this young male has got everything going for him. Good strong masculine head with good width and well set ears, correct stop and well set clear eyes, correct muzzle with good dentition, good reach of neck to well laid shoulders, strong bone to forelegs but would like tighter feet. Good top line and spring of rib, very nice croup to well set tail carried very well, sound hind quarters with fair angulation, moved well.
2nd – Mrs L Bamforth’s “Bellamiabam’s Play Boy” 14month old. Very nice strong masculine head, nice reach of neck to strong shoulders, good bone to forelegs and nice feet, good width and depth of chest . Good top line and rib cage, well set tail. Strong hind legs moved well. Pushed hard for first place.
3rd – Miss C Brearley’s “Piechottka Anakin” 15 months litter brother to 1st place, another quality dog just lacking in maturity, nice mover given time this young male will mature very nicely.
Yearling Dog
4 ents 1 abs
1st – Mr Mrs P & J Tibbs “Zeleski Ziggy Zag” 19 months this dog is certainly maturing well, very nice masculine head with correct shape to muzzle. Very nice ear set, good clear eyes, nice stop, good jaw line and nice dentition. Good strong neck line to well laid shoulders with strong straight well boned forelegs. Nice deep and wide chest, correct shaped rib cage nice level top line to good croup and tail set, strong hind quarters. Moved cleanly.
2nd – Mr K Tonge “Harleydeaux Double Deuce” A strong contender for first spot this well sized 19 month old is a very good dog and certainly one for the future, Good strong head and body, nice deep and wide chest good rib cage and nice level top line, nice tail set and strong hind quarters moved well when he wanted to.
3rd – Mr & Mrs S & S Iqbal “Bellamiabam Romeo” at 15 months this fine young male just lacked maturity, Nice shaped dog with good head and body strong fore and hind quarters, nice top line just needs to mature, moved well once settled.
Post Graduate Dog
10 ents 5 abs
1st Dog CC and Best Dog
Mr D Corbett’s “Imperatrix Inperator” This 2 year old excelled overall in what I was looking for in this breed, he is not the biggest but certainly what he had was all in proportion. Super masculine head with excellent ear carriage and correct shape, good stop, super clear eyes not to light, good square shaped muzzle with nice strong clean dentition. Nice reach of neck in proportion to head, excellent deep and wide chest, well laid strong muscular shoulders to straight strong legs with good tight feet. Strong straight back with well covered spring of rib, good croup to well set tail of good length, well angulated and muscled hind quarters, moved efficiently without effort. Very pleased to see this young dog not phased in anyway.
2nd Reserve Dog CC
Mr K Tonge’s “Harleydeaux Let Me Atom” only 19months this is one male for the future he pushed very hard for the cc but lost purely on maturity. This dog has a super well balanced outline with excellent well shaped head, good strong neck into exceptional shoulders and forelegs, lovely head expression with good stop and nice square muzzle with nice mouth and good dentition. Super strong neck with deep and wide chest. Good length of straight back with good croup and tail set, nice deep rib cage and good loin, sound hind quarters with fair angulation moved and handled well, certainly pushed hard for first place. I can see these two dogs challenging each other a lot in the future.
Mr Mrs S& J Hargreaves “Albrean Rocketman” 32 months old strong dog of good proportion good head with good ear carriage nice well set eyes good stop good shape to jaw, nice neck line to strong shoulders and forelegs, good width to chest but would like to see more depth, fair spring of rib and nice loin, good top line, good tail set moved well but a little straight in stifle would like to see a little more muscle.
Limit Dog
3 Ent 0 abs
Miss H Martin’s “Lionsriver Thunder Storm with Maplemore” 3 year old well balanced dog very nice head with correct shaped muzzle and good stop, nice well set eyes and ears fair dentition. Good reach of neck to strong shoulders, strong forelegs but feet need to tighten up a little. Deep and wide chest, good spring of rib nice and deep, good topline to fairly strong hind quarters nice tail set moved well .
Ms K Cox “Zeleski The Joker” at only 20 months although a little immature he stood his ground well Nice strong male head with correct eye and ear set good strong stop and square muzzle, good dentition. Nice strong neck to good shoulders and forearms, good bone throughout. Nice depth and width of chest, fair top line and croup tail well set moved ok but needs to tighten up.
Mr G Johnson “Justlazare Colossus” 4 year old nice type strong bodied dog, very nice head, moved well.
Open Dog
5 ents 1 abs
Mr K Tonge’s “Ch Harleydeaux Vantage” On the stack you could see this was a champion dog, superb head and body elegant and in excellent condition. I will say no more as he cleanly took this class.
Mr & Mrs T & B Harrison’s “Cerisier All My Loving” Well balanced dog, Nice strong head with good ear set and clear eyes very nice stop and good square muzzle , nice reach of neck to well laid shoulders , deep and wide chest, strong forelegs, Very nice spring of rib good top line to strong hind quarters, good croup and nice tail set, moved ok.
Mrs L Bamforth “Temptress Ice Warrior at Bellamiabam” 4 year old in good shape and coat nice masculine head and body shame he was very reluctant to move.
Veteran Dog
3 ents 1 abs
1st & Best Veteran.
Mrs L Bamforth “Redlouis Semtex avec Bellamiabam” A super 7 plus year old who enjoyed being shown and loved his run around the ring with the applause.
Correct shaped head with nice ear carriage good stop and nice clear well placed eyes, good correct shaped muzzle fair dentition. Good reach of neck to sound shoulders and well boned forelegs. Nice deep and wide chest with correct spring of rib, good top line and nicely muscled hind quarters moved well for his age.
Mr Mrs A & N Nattriss “Soultime Emberez Happy” another excellent dog at nearly 8 years of age who enjoyed his time in the ring. Nice correct shaped head with good ear carriage and nice clear eyes, good stop and correct shaped muzzle. Very nice reach and shape of neck to nice strong shoulders, good width and depth of chest strong well boned forelegs. Nice level topline with good spring of rib, good top line and croup well set tail of correct length, strong hind quarter’s shame he really didn’t want to move.
*** Note I have mentioned very little about feet as I could not determine whether many of the feet were flat footed or it was because of the sand floor but as so many had flared feet I have decide that this was caused in principle by the very soft wet sand. I would hope that on firm ground many of the feet I saw today would be a lot tighter.****
Minor Puppy Bitch
5 ents 2 abs
Mr R Iseton “Bobiso Clementine” Just 7 months a lovely young bitch with nice clean lines, Pleasing feminine head of correct shape and in balance with her body, well set ears and eyes good forehead and stop nice square muzzle with fair dentition, nice reach of neck to well shaped body with good bone throughout. Strong forelegs and good well angulated hind quarters, good top line, nice tail set. Moved well.
Ms L Davison, “She’s Chit Hot” 8 month s old and still a lot of maturing needed, Nice shaped head and body, good top line moved well.
Mr A Griffith, “Red LegacyBeautiful Girl (raf)” Nice 7 month old but still very much a puppy good head and body just very soft and playful, would benefit from a few sessions at a training class where the trainer knows the breed.
Puppy Bitch
5 ents 3 abs
1st Best Puppy and Best Puppy in Show
Mr D Corbett’s “Imperatrix Inperious” 10 month old beautiful bitch in excellent coat and body condition, lovely feminine head in correct proportions, well set ears, clear eyes, good forehead with nice stop, good dentition correct shaped muzzle. Good reach of neck to excellent shoulders and well boned forelegs.
Good depth and width of chest, very nicely shaped rib cage, excellent top line and croup with nice length of tail, good strong well muscled hind quarters with good angulation, moved strongly round the ring. This puppy shows excellent potential for the future.
Miss L Prendergast’s “Wendisal Hungry Eyes” 9 months very pretty bitch, nice shaped head with well set ears and nice clear eye, good muzzle and good dentition, nice reach of neck to sound shoulders and strong well boned legs, good depth and width of chest, fair topline, good hind quarters and tail, moved well once settled.
Junior Bitch
6 ents 1 abs
Mr Mrs A & N Natriss “Almedarouge Cracker at Soultime” 17 months a nicely maturing bitch of quality, good feminine head with correct forehead and square muzzle nice well set ears and clear clean eyes, good dentition. Good strong neck into sound shoulders and forelegs. Good deep and wide chest nice spring of rib, good level top line and nice strong hindquarters. Well set tail moved cleanly and with confidence.
Mrs S Judd “Im Rhonda avec Tissie” another 17 month old very feminine this lovely young bitch, well shaped head with good eyes and ears, good strong square muzzle and good dentition, good reach of neck, nice shoulders and strong well boned legs, would like to see a bit more width and depth to forechest and spring of rib. Top line held well on the move as did the tail and hindquarters that improved on moving.
Mr M Leonard “AlbreanDrops of Jupiter at Granborde” Pretty head well balanced body moved ok still to mature.
Yearling Bitch
4 ents 0 abs
Mrs S Van Heerden “Vanasuze Touch of Class” . A striking 19 month old, good size and sound body, strong feminine head with correct shape and well placed ears and eyes nice forehead and good square muzzle with fair dentition, good shape to nice neck and shoulders, strong bone to forelegs, good width and depth of chest. Level topline maintained on the move, good well shaped ribs. Good croup and tail set strong hind quarters moved very well .
Ms D Exley “Brulerdogues Lucretia” nice 20 month old, correct head and well balanced body strong bone to fore and rear legs, nice shoulders. Moved well
Mr K Tonge “Harleydeaux Pixie Lott” . Pretty head and well shaped body, she just needs time to settle and get into practice.
Post Graduate Bitch
8 ents 1 abs
1st & Reserve CC
Mrs & Mr T&M Shopland’s “Piechottka Dutch Courage” nice mature bitch in excellent condition, lovely feminine head with correct ear carriage, well set clear eyes good stop and strong muzzle, good dentition, lovely reach of neck to good shoulders and well boned forelegs. Good depth and width of chest and nice rib cage. Good top line held well on the move, nice croup to good well set tail, Strong hindquarters with good angulation that powered this girl soundly around the ring.
Pushed hard for the CC.
Mr K Tonge’s “Harleydeaux Dirty Gertie” Loved this strong young bitch from the moment she came in the ring another few months to mature and she will be hard to beat. Beautiful head with everything in proportion plus good dentition, nice reach of neck to very sound shoulders and strong well boned forelegs, good width of chest that just needs to drop a little. Good well shaped ribs and very nice top line, good loin and croup, well set tail strong well angulated hind quarters, moved very well once settled.
Mr R Iseton’s “Bobiso Clementine”, Very nice bitch with lovely feminine head, good sound body, and good bone moved well. I would have liked to see just a bit more light under her body. Certainly a good brood bitch going by the puppies in the ring today.
Limit Bitch
6 ent 2 abs
Mr M Rainger’s “Loggerheads Attitude” This amazing young female is quite outstanding for her age of 15 months excellent shape and size along with a very correct feminine head. Whilst being well up to breed height standard she is not leggy in any way, her bone, body and muscle are all in balance. Super head with nice clear eyes and well placed ears, good stop and square muzzle, fair dentition, nice reach of neck to well placed and muscled shoulders, good strong bone and muscle to foreleg with good sound feet. Correct width of chest and good depth. Nice level top line and good rib cage, good croup and tail set, strong fairly well angulated hind quarters. Moved well. A few more months and this bitch will be taking top honours.
Mrs L Bamforth’s “Bellamiabam La Vie Est Belle JW” 3 year old in excellent coat and condition, Lovely correct shaped head with good ear set, super forehead and eyes, good stop and nice square muzzle, deep and wide chest with good spring of rib. Very nice well muscled shoulders with good straight forelegs. Nice level top line held well on the move, good croup and nice strong tail set. Strong well angulated hind quarters. Moved cleanly and very smoothly.
Mr C Brunger’s “Loggerheads Wishing on a Star” , Nice correct shaped head with good clean lines well placed ears and nice clear eyes, good square muzzle with correct dentition , good reach of neck to sound forearms and strong well boned forelegs. Nice wide and deep chest, good top line and rib, good tail set and fair hind quarters, regrettably she didn’t like the floor surface so her movement let her down a fair bit.
Open Bitch
5 ents 1 abs
1st , Bitch CC Best Bitch And Best In Show
Mr & Mrs A &N Natriss’s “Ch Soultime Keep The Faith” a very apt name as I was advised that this 5year old has been the winner of this award over the previous two shows . I am not intending to critique this Bitch as her record speaks for itself. All I will say, it was a privilege to have had the opportunity to see and go over a really excellent example of this Breed. Proud to make it three in a row.
Mr, Mrs & Mrs TA &E Grice & Clarkson’s “Fairhero Go West JW, Jun Ir CH CJW’19” A super 3 plus year old bitch of excellent quality and in top condition. Lovely feminine head and strong body. Superb top line very good strong rib cage and excellent bone to fore and rear legs. Moved well but faded in the challenge for Reserve.
Mr K Tonge’s “Ch Harleydeaux Carven” A real shame today as this lovely female succumbed to that period we have all suffered the covid blues, stacked she looked beautiful but regrettably her movement today suffered a little. That is all I will say about this lovely feminine lady.
To all exhibitors thank you for entering this show and for assisting with the requirements of the Government and our KC. The club could hardly have done any better to ensure we were all safe. I wish you all my thanks for also supporting me and hope you all still agree the best Dog/Bitch went home with you.
Judge Christopher Quantrill