(Jan 2022)
The list will be reviewed and/or amended on a 6 monthly basis between January-June & July-December. Applications must be received before the 1st of June or 1st of December for consideration in that particular 6 monthly period.
Compilation of the list
The published criteria & conditions for inclusion on a list are mandatory, however, where an application is borderline future appointments may be taken into account. The final decision on any application will be determined by the committee of The Northern Dogue de Bordeaux Club & must be by a majority vote by members present or those requested to do so. All applications should, with relevant qualifications & certificates, be forwarded by post or electronically to the club secretary before scrutiny, forms can be obtained from the club secretary or downloaded from the clubs website. The Northern Dogue de Bordeaux Club committee reserve the right to remove or relegate any name from a specific list if deemed necessary.
A1 List:
Contains the names of people who have been approved by the Kennel Club to award Challenge Certificates in the breed and who have carried out their first appointment.
A2 List:
Contains the names of people who have not yet awarded CCs but who have been approved by the KC to do so & who are supported by The Northern Dogue de Bordeaux Club to award Challenge Certificates.
A2 Specialists & Non Specialists:
Must fulfil all the requirements necessary as stated on the current A3 list.
Must have been assessed in accordance with current KC requirements & approved by the KC for inclusion on an A2 list, see current KC requirements regarding assessments.
A3 List:
Persons not yet approved by the KC but have the support of The Northern Dogue de Bordeaux to award Challenge Certificates.
A3 Breed Specialist:
Must have a minimum total of 6 years experience judging Dogue de Bordeaux making a total of 9 years interest in the breed.
To have judged both sexes at a minimum of 1 Dogue de Bordeaux club open show and/or 70 dogs and 25 classes of Dogue de Bordeaux.
To have attended & passed a breed specific hands on judging assessment which must include the judging of 5 dogs, placed in order with a written critique, followed by a one to one with an assessor.
Must have bred/owned a minimum of 3 dogs when they obtained their first entry in the KC stud book. If using a Junior Warrant for a stud book number the applicant must have gained all points required whilst in their ownership.
Must have completed at least 12 full days stewarding at Breed Open, Championship or General Canine Society Open Shows. (Limited/Special shows do not count).
A3 Non Breed Specialist
Must have a minimum total of 5 years experience judging Dogue de Bordeaux
To have judged both sexes at a minimum of 1 Dogue de Bordeaux club open show and/or 70 dogs and 25 classes of Dogue de Bordeaux.
To have attended & passed a breed specific hands on judging assessment which must include the judging of 5 dogs, placed in order & a written critique followed by a one to one with an assessor.
Must award Challenge Certificates in one other breed.
B List:
Persons The Northern Dogue de Bordeaux Club support to Judge the breed at Breed Open Shows & Championship Shows without CCs.
B List Breed Specialist
Must have a minimum of 3 years experience judging Dogue de Bordeaux (making 6 years total involvement within the breed).
To have judged at least 27 Dogue de Bordeaux at a minimum of 4 different shows to include General Canine Society Open shows and Breed Club Special Events/Special Classes.
Attend a confirmation & movement seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer (seminar is a JEP level 1 requirement) & passed the relevant assessment.
Must have attended a breed specific seminar held by a Dogue de Bordeaux club & passed a multiple choice exam.
Attend the requirements of a dog show judge seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer (seminar is a JEP level 1 requirement) & passed the relevant exam.
B list Non Breed Specialist
Must have a minimum of 5 years experience judging own breed & at least 3 years judging Dogue de Bordeaux.
To have judged at least 30 Dogue de Bordeaux at a minimum of 5 different shows to include General Canine Society Open shows and Breed Club Special Events/Special Classes.
Attend a confirmation & movement seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer (seminar is a JEP level 1 requirement) & passed the relevant assessment.
Attend the requirements of a dog show judge seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer (seminar is a JEP level 1 requirement) & passed the relevant exam.
Must have attended a breed specific seminar held by a Dogue de Bordeaux club & passed a multiple choice exam.
C List:
(See additional guidance notes)
Persons The Northern Dogue de Bordeaux Club support to Judge the breed at General Canine Society Open shows and Breed Club Special Events/Special Classes.
C List Breed Specialist
Must have been exhibiting and/or breeding Dogue de Bordeaux for a minimum of 3 years.
Must have attended a breed specific seminar held by a Dogue de Bordeaux club.
C List Non Breed Specialist
Must have 3 years judging experience of own breed & have proven interest and/or judging experience of the Dogue de Bordeaux.
Must have attended a breed specific seminar held by a Dogue de Bordeaux club.
JEP Level 1:
(Replaced C list requirements as from Jan 2021)
Must have a minimum of 5 years proven interest in pedigree dogs.
Attend the requirements of a dog show judge seminar but not mandatory to take & pass the exam.
Attend a confirmation & movement seminar.
Complete a minimum of 2 stewarding appointments.
Guidance Notes:
- As from January 2021 all C Lists have been replaced with JEP Level 1, applications must be completed by yourself and submitted to the BEC or the breed club secretary for consideration.
- All judging lists are progressive; you must meet the requirements of all earlier lists before progressing to the next level.
- Judges must be approved for the appropriate list before accepting any appointments.
- Shows where a critique has not been submitted to the dog press cannot be included.
- Please enclose all relevant certificates with any applications.
- Up to 5 Dogue de Bordeaux that have been judged at a KC approved assessment can only be counted once whilst progressing through the lists.